You have heard it from your friends or colleagues, seen it on TV, or you have read it in a magazine: having a life coach can bring a positive (and measurable!) change into your life. As someone who was fortunate enough to experience executive coaching at my workplace, I can certainly confirm that it’s true. Coaching can – among many things – improve your personal and professional relationships; help you manage your time better, achieve your goals, and move you up the career ladder. It can do it all, as long as it is executed by an adequate person.

What makes the task slightly more challenging is the fact that there is plenty of coaches out there. The good news is, that there are a few characteristics you can look out for when hiring someone to help you move forward in life.

Here is your check-list:

1. First Impressions Do Count 

Do not underestimate these first few signals your mind sends you when you search for your potential coach and when you meet for the first time. How do you feel about them? How do they make you feel? Is there some kind of chemistry between you? What does your gut have to say about it?
Once you have moved beyond the first impressions, find out if they offer a complimentary. let’s-get-to-know-each-other session before kicking off with your coaching relationship.

2. What’s Their Proposition

Every professional coach will always offer it to see if you both “click”. During this time, you might get a sample demo of what happens at a real life coaching session. Therefore you may want to think ahead about some topic to talk about. You will also have an opportunity to ask any questions about coaching, logistics, cancellation policy and fees.

3. How the Coaching Itself Happens

When choosing the right coach, take a broader view at your lifestyle, as well as your personal and professional commitments. Based on that, look out for the following criteria:

  • What modes of coaching he/she offers?
  • Do they offer face-to-face, online or phone sessions?
  • How long will your session last?
  • How many sessions do they offer?
  • Can you contact them in-between the sessions?

4. What Qualifications Do They Hold 

Coaching profession has a low barrier to entry – there is a magnitude of in-person and online coaching trainings available worldwide.

You want to make sure that the person you choose is a fully qualified coach  and has therefore done an accredited coaching programme. International Coach Federation has a full list of accredited programmes, which may serve as a good reference point.

What’s also distinctive for professional coaches, is that they continue to  invest in their personal development. They will therefore be a member of a reputable coaching organisation, such as International Coach Federation.

5. What’s Their Niche 

Look closely at what their specialty is. Which area is their expertise in? Are they executive coaches, career coaches or spiritual transformation coaches?  What is their target audience? What do their clients say in the testimonials? Based on these answers, choose someone who is a perfect match to your needs.

6. The Way They Make You Feel 

Last but not least, a little bit further down the line in your coaching relationship, ask yourself the following questions:

  • How you feel when you are just about to have your next coaching session (excited, motivated, energised)
  • How safe and courageous is the space between you both
  • What’s the trust level like
  • What’s the connection like
  • How much you have moved on since you started your relationship

Fancy trying it out for yourself? Sign up for a complimentary session with me here. No strings attached, I promise.

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